Layouts & dead views

You can use sface templates for regular controllers, views and layouts.

If you're using Phoenix >= v1.7, all you have to do is:

  • Use a .sface file instead .html.heex.
  • Use the embed_sface/1 macro instead of the embed_templates/1.
  • If you're converting an existing heex file, make sure you replace any EEx/HEEx code interpolation with the proper Surface syntax. For instance, if you have <%= @foo %>, replace it with {@foo}.


For a typical MyAppWeb.PageController module, you should have a colocated MyAppWeb.PageHTML like:

defmodule MyAppWeb.PageHTML do
  use MyAppWeb, :html

  embed_sface "page_html/home.sface"

As for layouts, you usually want something like:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Layouts do
  use MyAppWeb, :html


Note: Currently, you need to call embed_sface/1 for each individual template as described in the example above.

Older Phoenix versions

To enable support for dead views in older Phoenix versions, you need to use the old View approach, by adding use Surface.View, template: "lib/*your_app_web*/templates" to the view function of your application on lib/your_app_web.ex:

defmodule YourAppWeb do
  # ...
  def view do
    use Phoenix.View,
      root: "lib/your_app_web/templates",
      namespace: YourAppWeb

    # ...

    use Surface.View, root: "lib/your_app_web/templates"

To enable autoreload in dev mode, update config/dev.exs:

    patterns: [
      # ...

Then, change the extension of your template files from .html.heex to .sface (e.g. templates/your_app_web/page/index.sface) and make sure you replace any EEx/HEEx code interpolation with the proper Surface syntax as mentioned in the last section.

Enabling only in specific views

If you want to make Surface templates available only on specific views, you can add a new function in lib/your_app_web.ex:

defmodule YourAppWeb do
  # ...

  def surface_view(options \\ []) do
      quote do
        use Surface.View, root: "lib/your_app_web/templates"

  # ...

To enable on your specific views, replace use YourAppWeb, :view with use YourAppWeb, :surface_view.