
Surface is a server-side rendering component library that allows developers to build rich interactive user-interfaces, writing minimal custom Javascript.

Built on top of Phoenix LiveView and its component API, Surface leverages the amazing Phoenix Framework to provide a fast and productive solution to build modern web applications.

For installation instructions, please visit the Getting Started guide.


  • An HTML-centric templating language.

  • Components as modules - they can be stateless, stateful, renderless or compile-time.

  • Declarative properties - explicitly declare the inputs (properties, slots and events) of each component, including live components.

  • Slots - placeholders declared by a component that you can fill up with custom content.

  • Contexts - allows a parent component to share data with its children without passing them as properties.

  • Scoped CSS - allows defining CSS rules that are scoped by component avoiding conflicts between components styles and more.

  • Scoped JS hooks - allows defining JS hooks in colocated .hooks.js files that are automatically loaded without extra setup.

  • Compile-time checking for the templates, components and their properties, events, slots and many other validations.

  • Integration with editor/tools for warnings/errors, syntax highlighting, jump-to-definition, auto-completion (soon!) and more.

How to use it?

In order to have your templates automatically translated, you need to write the Surface code either wrapped in a ~F sigil or in a .sface file.