Input controls

A set of common input controls based on the <input> element.

Note: All input controls are wrappers around existing Phoenix built-in helpers.


  • TextInput - An input field that let the user enter a single-line text.

  • RadioButton - A button normally presented in radio groups defining a set of related options.

  • HiddenInput - A hidden input field.

  • Checkbox - Defines a checkbox.

  • Inputs - A wrapper for Phoenix.HTML.Form.html.inputs_for/3.


  • ColorInput - An input field that let the user specify a color, either with a text field or a color picker interface.

  • DateInput - An input field that let the user enter a date, either with a text field or a date picker interface.

  • DateTimeLocalInput - An input field that let the user enter both date and time, using a text field and a date picker interface.

  • EmailInput - An input field that let the user enter one or multiple e-mails.

  • NumberInput - An input field that let the user to enter a number.

  • PasswordInput - An input field that let the user securely specify a password.

  • RangeInput - An input field that let the user specify a numeric value in a given range, usually using a slider.

  • SearchInput - An input field that let the user enter search queries.

  • TelephoneInput - An input field that let the user enter a telephone number.

  • TimeInput - An input field that let the user enter a time (hours, minutes and optionally seconds).

  • UrlInput - An input field that let the user enter a URL.

  • FileInput - Generates a file input.

  • HiddenInputs - A wrapper for Phoenix.HTML.Form.html.hidden_inputs_for/1.